Ions Threaten Stock Market Fundamentals

Vancouver, B.C. June 28, 2001 (Internet Wire)-- In a recent New York Times article Is weather the new barometer for equities? The findings of two finance professors from Ohio State University and the University of Michigan conclude that stock markets statistically tend to go up on clear sunny days and go down on cloudy (rainy) days.

In the 26 stock exchanges they studied worldwide from 1982 - 1997, virtually every market showed the same effect. These results are mathematically significant.

“The study shows that our moods can have powerful effects on our interpretation of economic developments.” quotes the news article.

Ions Successfully Project the Market Direction

Since the inception of in January 2000, it has accurately projected the daily direction of the stock markets for the past 18 months based on varying Global Ion Ratios.

With every breath of air you inhale you take in many charged particles known as ions, Negative charged ions are beneficial whereas Positive charged ions are detrimental.

An excess of positive ions produces unfavorable effects both physically (headaches, dizziness, fatigue, circulatory disorders etc.) and mentally (irritation, apathy, anxiety, depression etc). Negative ions can improve alertness, concentration and general body function. These findings are based on research with air ions from groups and organizations such as Oxford University, RCA Laboratories, U.S. Air Force, Mercedes Benz, the Swiss Bank… just to name a few of the 5000 plus studies. Negative ion generators/air purifiers are common household appliances found at many department and drug stores. The U.S. Navy uses similar ion generators on the bridges of their ships to keep the command watch alert and energized. Toyota is said to be installing negative ion generators in some of the 2002 Lexus models. In countries such as Israel, Russia, Germany and Japan negative ion generators are widely accepted among the general public.

The Wall Street Engine: Greed and Caution

Positive Ions tend to cause the stock markets to move up (irrational decisions, risk taking is predominant with traders) and more Negative Ions tend to move the markets lower (level headed rational thinking, traders are more cautious). The algorithm, based on proprietary information, allows them to utilize these reactions based on ion charge (polarity) to forecast market direction before the markets occur.

In the year 2000 while the NASDAQ had its worst year on record, a trading system utilizing the algorithm provided on gained 164% non-compounded on a phantom portfolio trading the QQQ (NASDAQ 100 index stock). Auditors confirmed these gains and the objective way in which the data was provided on the site before the markets occurred. has found that approximately 80% of the mid-large cap stocks for the past 18 months show increases if traded by the algorithm. Currently provides the same advanced data (Premium Service) for $39.95 per month to provide proof the method works.

Ion Polarities Flip with Weather.

The following chart (Figure 1) from a study published in 1934 shows the positive ion count and negative ion count measured during each of the four seasons and different weather conditions. Of interest are the higher positive ion ratios on clear days and higher negative ion ratios on moderate and heavy rain days.  

Figure 1

The effect of meteorological conditions on the number of small ions in the atmosphere (data from Yaglou, C. P., and L. C. Benjamin, ASHVE Transactions, Vol. 40, 1934).

Does weather correlate with Ion Ratios?

This correlates with the recent finance study that markets go up with clear sunny days, (clear days in Figure 1 are affiliated with higher positive ion concentrations) and markets go down with heavy cloud, rainy days, (heavy cloud and rainy days are associated in Figure 1 with higher negative ion days). The chart below (Figure 2) simplifies Figure 1 above.

Figure 2

The farther the distance between the positive and negative ions counts, the higher the effect of the more numerous ion charge.

The market direction effect is caused by the accompanying ion charge associated with the weather condition.

Ions now confirmed as the main source of Market Direction

Although the 1934 data has never been used with financial markets, when compared to the recent financial study and the level of accuracy, the 1934 data provides confirmation of the hypothesis and answers a strange annual stock market trend question; why do markets decrease in value through September and October almost every year?

October Lows

One common trait of the markets is the common drops (sometimes extreme) experienced in the markets in October. Could the reason for “October Lows” be high negative ion ratios? Figure 3 below shows the Ion counts for Heavy rains from the 1934 published study during the four seasons.

Figure 3

In the autumn during the heavy rains over 1000 negative ions per cc can be counted while only 500 positive ions per cc. Thus, during the autumn (October Lows) the highest negative ion ratios associated with heavy rain conditions are prevalent. October is notorious in many parts of the world with increased rainfall. As such the resulting markets during the autumn rains should have heavier losses then during other seasons of the year, which is what we find on a consistent annual basis.

Ion Fundamentals

The recent financial study of weather related direction changes showed weakness with the efficient-market hypothesis that states that [new information is being assimilated by the market place so efficiently that no one can outperform it consistently]. The algorithm has crushed the efficient-market hypothesis and replaced it with “Ion Fundamentals”.

No longer can an analyst reach into his bag of excuses at the end of trading for the day and explain why the general markets and in many cases individual stocks went up or down, when is projecting the direction of the markets beforehand and is accurate 60-85% of the time with about 80% of the large well known stocks and indexes using no financial tools and no money management skills, other than following the expected highs and lows projected by the algorithm.

Athletic Response Prediction is recognized as the world leader in Athletic Response Prediction and has shown significant accuracy on forecasting the performance of individual athletes in the NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB, NASCAR drivers and even Triple Crown Horses. Not all individuals are affected the same way by ions. 75% of athletes as well as the general population react favorably to negative ions but are adversely affected by positive ions, while the other 25% react in the opposite way and compensate for the stress caused by positive ions with sufficient adrenaline production. If 75% of the world reacts the same way to ion conditions then it is not a giant leap of faith to understand why the global stock markets exhibit cyclical trending to ion ratios.

Minimum Ion Response 

Another question answered by the financial / ion / weather combination is the minimum ion count needed to produce a biological response. It had been suggested by many ion scientists that 1000 negative ions per cc was the minimum required to produce a response. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) lowered this minimum threshold to 500 negative ions per cc and has considered regulating ion levels within air traffic control centers and commercial aircraft compartments.

HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., which shares R&D data with the parent company of, has developed a patent pending Passive Negative Ion Generator (no batteries or power source required) which is worn within 12-15” from the head. The device only emits 600 negative ions per cc at the source while also absorbing positive ions and even 12” (30 centimeters) away, the level of negative ions counted decreases to only 300 negative ions per cc due to neutralization. This low level was expected only to have minimal effects when compared to the high powered active negative ion generators available on the market that produce a billion or more negative ions at the source (research has concluded you can’t overdose on negative ions). HyperStealth was surprised to discover that only a few hundred negative ions per cc had similar effects to billions on negative ions. The question of how few negative ions are required for a biological response can be answered by extrapolating from the financial / ion / weather / HyperStealth combination that even a few hundred can have a powerful effect. 


The recent financial / weather study when combined with the 1930’s ion / weather measurements provide convincing outside evidence that it is indeed the ions that control the direction of the markets. has promoted this concept from day one, however, providing the cause and effect relationship between ions and behavioral economics is not the key to SuperForce’s future success. The continued advanced projection of market direction using their proprietary method of forecasting ion ratios will elevate to the forefront of required information used by the financial analysts to explain many of the market movements.

If can consistently outperform the markets 60-85% of the time, most people wouldn’t care if they were flipping coins, rolling dice, throwing darts or using ions to achieve the results, as long as it continues to work. 

Considering 83% of the May subscribers for the premium service manually renewed in June, (renewal is not automatic). Over half the average 1000 hits a day on the free portion of the site come from banks and financial institutions (half the week is forecasted in advance on the free portion of the site) and one of the largest banks in the world hit the site over 20,000 times in a recent 30 day span, is a testament to the continued performance of the algorithm with projecting market direction.


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